Look, guys! We have another fascinating author joining us today to answer some questions. Chris Semal is here to talk about his book, Trial of Tears.

Hi, Chris.
Thank you so much for allowing me to interview you. Your bio says that you are
also a musician/singer/songwriter. What is it that
inspired you to go from writing songs to writing a novel?
In songs
you’ve got to get your point, or story, across in about eighty words, not
counting repeated choruses. That’s a great way to be succinct and economical
with what words you choose to include. However, I wanted to really challenge
myself and extend that, so I started with some rough character sketches and a
basic premise. After writing three chapters I realized I was really on to
something and loving where this was leading. Occasionally, I’d write myself
into a corner, but could backtrack and steer the plot back onto the right path.
tell us a little bit about Trial of Tears
in your own words.
I’ve pitched it as a
cross between ‘Pulp Fiction’ and ‘This is Spinal Tap’.
What does
your schedule look like when you’re writing?
Trial of
Tears was written in whatever time I could squeeze in while working at other
jobs. Most of the time that meant a couple of hours when I would get home.
There was a period when I was a consultant, so there would be gaps between jobs
when I could really get going at it. If allowed to work at a natural rhythm,
I’ll usually go from 10-6, though plot developments and dialogue can show up at
any time. I try not to write in the evening because I get immersed and have
trouble getting to sleep.
What was
the most difficult part of writing Trial of Tears?
the time to complete it was challenging. Also, as a newbie, I thought I had a
great story after a couple of drafts, which was not the case. Well, that’s not
completely true. The story was good, but the writing wasn’t. I can’t believe
how much polishing I wound up doing. I could probably do some more, if I didn’t
set myself a deadline. At a certain point, you just have to let go of it. The
last revisions were becoming more and more minor and I wanted to avoid getting
anal about this.
What is
one of the most surprising things you learned while writing your novel?
addictive it is. You create this little universe and soon find that you’ve
moved into it.
character did you have the most fun writing?
question. They were all fun, but the scenes with the villains were a real hoot.
Alice entered in chapter five and eventually takes over the book. I didn’t even
have her in my initial character sketches. I have no idea what strange part of
my brain came up with her. *Spoiler alert* I was really bummed out for a few
days after killing off Ronno. He was such a dangerous psycho, but I loved his
How would
you describe your writing style?
It’s as
if Stephen King, Nelson Demille & Nick Hornby got stuck overnight in an
elevator with a bottle of cheap gin.
Now that Trial of Tears has been published, is there anything that
you wish you would have done differently?
are a few things I would have done differently, but making mistakes is how you
acquire an education. I would have saved myself a lot of time and postage if
I’d polished the writing more before querying literary agents. I eventually got
one and that was also part of the learning process. I wouldn’t have banged my
head against the wall of traditional publishing for as long as I did, but then
again, the climate for doing it yourself wasn’t as fertile five years ago as it
is now.
Thank you
so much for answering these questions, Chris, and I wish you the very best of
luck in future endeavors!
Buy your copy here: Amazon | Barnes & Noble
Be sure to add it to your TBR list on Goodreads!
About the Author
Chris Semal was born in New York City in 1959 and has lived there all his life. He is aware that other places exist and likes to visit them from time to time, but the city is a hard mistress to resist and he keeps going back to her. A musician, singer and songwriter, he has played pretty much every rock club in Manhattan at one time or another since the late 70s and went to school at the University of Miami to study Music Engineering, coming back north to do the only obvious thing possible, becoming a municipal bond broker and eventually working as a consultant building financial models. In the early part of the millennium, between both consulting and band gigs, he thought it might be interesting to see what would happen if he expanded on the 80 or so words he used in writing song lyrics and went for the 80,000 he would need for a novel. And so Trial Of Tears was born, along with a passion for developing plots and characters.
Keep up with Chris and his future projects on his Website!
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You are going to put words in my box?! *squeezes you* Now I shall stalk YOUR blog!